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Who is eligible to submit to Audeamus?


Audeamus is open to submissions from high-caliber undergraduate students across the nation. Although Audeamus is an Honors journal, our eligibility requirements reflect our journal’s meaning: “Let us Dare.”  Let us dare to move beyond the traditional definition of what constitutes an “Honors” student.  We believe that the quality of students' works is revealed through its own merit, not only by a student's membership within a specific society or group.  As such, our eligibility requirements are as follows:


(1) Submitters must be an undergraduate student enrolled full-time or part-time in any 2 or 4 year undergraduate institution in the United States of America. 


(2) Graduates of any 2 or 4 year college/university may also turn in a submission, but no more than one year from graduation. For example, students who may have already graduated but would like to submit work they turned in prior to or at graduation, for example a senior thesis/capstone in the Spring of 2019 may still submit for the 2019/2020 journal. 


As a token of recognition for all of your excellent submissions, this year Audeamus will give awards to the best submissions:


(1) Five $200 awards for the best submissions

Online submission form:

The design theme for the 17th edition of the journal is HIVE. Submissions for the 2023-2024 academic calendar are open now! 


The deadline for submissions is December 22nd, 2023. The board may close the acceptance of submissions earlier if they reach the 350 submission cap prior to the aforementioned deadline time. The cap is in place to allow the board adequate time to carefully review and consider each piece they receive and publish winning pieces by the annual publication timeline.




Check our Instagram and Facebook page for updates. If you have further questions, please email Audeamus at



Submission guidelines:

General Submission Guidelines


Please note that all submissions must follow these guidelines to be considered for review or publication. While we may reach out to some submitters for clarification if the below guidelines are not followed, in general, if the guidelines are not followed, the submission will be disqualified for review.


(1) Your piece should reflect the spirit of Audeamus. It must be a highly polished work intended for publication to a diverse readership. It must demonstrate creative scholarship, unique artistic merit, and/or your own original thoughts and ideas.


(2) Every submission should have a title page formatted as Category: Title. For example, “Research: The Evolution of American Parenthood in the 19th Century" or "Art: The Big Cheese."  The title page and the submission itself should not contain your name or any other identifying information.  You will indicate your contact and other identifying information on the online form.


(3) Submitters may submit up to 2 pieces total which can either be in the same category or different categories.  For example, a student could submit 2 art pieces, 2 pieces of fiction, 1 poem and 1 music submission, 1 research article and 1 piece of fiction, etc. 


(4) Please also view this year's design theme: "HIVE" for inspiration, although it is not meant to limit or place constraints on your submission(s).


(5) When possible, Audeamus sends its eligible pieces out for faculty review before publication. We reserve the right to request that any conditionally accepted pieces be edited before publication to adhere to faculty suggestions.



Seven Categories: There are 7 main categories of submissions to Audeamus; to follow are the guidelines for those categories.


1. FICTION/NONFICTION: Fiction/nonfiction narrative pieces may not exceed 20 pages, and must be written in Times New Roman, 12 point font and be double-spaced with one inch margins. All forms of fiction/nonfiction are accepted, as well as any genre, at the discretion of the Audeamus editorial board. File must be uploaded as a word document.


2. POETRY: Poems should not exceed 2,000 words, but do not need to adhere to the font/margin/spacing guidelines of non/fiction pieces. All styles of poetry are accepted.  File must be uploaded as a word document.



Format Requirements:

(1) Page length: 17 pages maximum. Please contact us via email at if you want to submit a piece that goes over the max. The board will review longer submissions and if they are accepted, will publish an excerpt.

(2) Font: Times New Roman, 12 point font 

(3) Margins: Double-spaced with one inch margins 

(4) Title page: Should only include your title and any subtitles.  There should not be any identifying information on this page.

(5) After the title page, all research pieces should start with an abstract (it should clearly state the question(s) you have posed and seek to answer, summarize the piece and give readers a quick synopsis of results or findings). The page count begins with the abstract.

(6) References and/or work-cited must be on a separate page (does not count as part of the total page count) and should be in the format appropriate to that field (e.g., MLA, APA, etc.).

(7) Papers in the sciences (this includes social sciences), in addition to following the format above, are required to include the following narrative: an abstract, introduction, results, discussion, and conclusion. Materials and methodology section should be included as a separate document and not as part of the narrative (there will be a separate section to upload this portion).   

(8) Non-scientific (liberal arts and humanities) papers in addition to following the format above, the suggested organization for non-scientific research includes an abstract, introduction, methodology, results, discussion, and conclusion, but may veer from this general structure if needed.


Content Requirements:

(1) The paper must contain original thoughts and research; it may not be a summary or reiteration of: any published work(s), other people’s work(s), lecture(s), presentation(s) that may or may not have been published. Review papers that discuss the research of others with no unique results are not acceptable.

(2) Work(s) that contain highly technical, specified, or esoteric information that would be better suited to a journal representative of that subject matter will not be included.  Please be mindful that research articles that will be considered for publication, while they may include a wide range of subject matter, should be cognizant of the audience for which it is intended.  Generally, those papers discussing highly technical/specified matters should be written in a manner that is understandable to a diverse readership.  This does not mean the paper needs to be made simpler; rather, it should be written as an engaging piece that a peer from another major would reasonably be able to comprehend. For examples of research papers that have been included in previous journals, please refer to our past issues (on the website).

(3) Research papers involving sensitive subjects (humans, animals, hazardous materials, etc.) usually require the approval of an Institutional Review Board (IRB) or its equivalent at your college/university. If your research falls under this category, proof of IRB approval or its equivalent is required. If you have questions about this particular requirement, please contact the Audeamus Editor-in-Chief, Samantha Park, at

(4) The author must have rights to submit the research piece for publication, i.e., permission from his/her principal investigator (PI), faculty mentor, and/or other relevant parties. We will verify that you have rights to publish this piece with the relevant parties if your piece is chosen for publication.


4. ARTWORK/PHOTOGRAPHY: Any artwork/photography is acceptable as long as it is reproducible on paper, i.e., a 3D piece that is photographed, comic drawings, digital illustrations, etc.  All artwork/photography must be submitted as a .JPG, .TIFF, .PDF, .PNG, .PSD or .EPS file. We do not accept .DNG or .CR2 raw files. Our journal typically prints at least 7 inches length or width; because of this, we will only accept files at least 2000 pixels wide in either dimension. We recommend physical artworks to be scanned with at least 300 DPI. Physical artworks can also be photographed; and it is highly recommended to photograph at an f/stop of f/4-f/8, shutter speed >1/125s, ISO <400.


Color format should be CMYK, not RGB or other color formats as printing is problematic in these formats.


When you upload your submission to our site, you should upload a 2-page word document with a title page and artist’s statement, then upload a 2nd file in one of the formats above for your artwork/photography. Additionally, your submission title (and the submission itself) must not include a name or any other identifying information such as a watermark.


5. VIDEO MEDIA: Video submissions must be no longer than 5 minutes in length. The content of your video must be original and should not infringe on the copyrights or intellectual property of any other person or entity.  Audio, including background music, should not be copyrighted material.  If copyrighted material is used, its use should fall under fair use guidelines.  You may, of course, use music for which you have obtained explicit permission from all copyright holders, including holders of lyrics, composition, performance and recording rights. In this case, the music would not be the defining feature of your video, but a background component.


Example videos may include dance performances, short plays, and short movies or scenes. However, song covers, audition videos, video game commentary (Let's Plays) will not be accepted. Additionally, low-definition videos, trailers for a longer video, or heavily unedited videos are discouraged.


Audeamus accepts an .MP4 file with a maximum of 400 MB. When you upload your submission to our site, you must submit an artist/director's statement and then upload your video. We also ask that you provide a YouTube or Vimeo link to your video to ensure the piece can be viewed online.


6. MUSIC: Music submissions must be no longer than 5 minutes in length and should only be one complete song (it can consist of a compilation/mix of styles, but as a whole should be one complete piece). The content of your song must be original (no covers) and should not infringe on the copyrights or other intellectual property of any other person and/or entity.  Please do not submit sheet music.  Audio, including background music, should fall under general fair-use guidelines and not copyrighted material. You may provide a performance of your original piece or simply the audio file. If your music submission includes a video of images, acting, graphic design, or other components, your piece will still be assessed primarily by the quality of the music.  If you would like to be assessed more for the video/imagery/other aspect of your piece, please submit under the video media category. For example, a parody of copyrighted music (which falls under fair use) with acting would go under video media or an interpretative dance to an original song might go under video media if you would like to be assessed primarily for the performance aspect.


Audeamus accepts an .MP3 file with a maximum of 400 MB. When you upload your music submission to our site, you must submit an artist/director's statement and then upload your video and/or music file. We also ask that you provide a YouTube, SoundCloud, or other online link of your video or music file to ensure the piece can be viewed/listened to online.


7. OTHER: This includes all pieces that do not fit into the other categories. This category allows Audeamus editors to be open to different pieces of work that may not adhere to any specified category.  The guidelines and formatting outlined above still apply to these pieces. If you have questions about submissions, please email the Editor-in-Chief, Samantha Park, at .


Ineligible Submissions: Examples of pieces that would not be eligible include, but are not limited to submissions that:

(1) Do not reflect significant thought and/or care, i.e., simply submitting an assignment that was due for a class, displaying format/content that clearly originates from a course you took and was not re-worked for inclusion in Audeamus. (This does not mean you cannot turn in an assignment that you worked on in class, but if you do, it must be of exceptionally high quality and formatted according to guidelines. Review papers or literature reviews are not considered original research.)

(2) Do not reflect a polished work product intended for publication;

(3) Contain highly technical, specified, or esoteric information that comprehension and/or appreciation of the piece would be better suited to an alternate journal specializing in that matter;

(4) Contain sexist, biased, or oppressive terminology, as well as the perpetuation of stereotypes;*

(5) Do not adhere to the guidelines as outlined for that category of submissions;

(6) Not turned in by the deadline date;

(7) Are a current member of the Audeamus board;

(8) Are non-English submissions or submissions that are translations of works or original pieces due to faculty unavailability to assess quality;

(9) Includes any copyright violations or plagiarism.


*Note: While Audeamus recognizes that some works may include inappropriate content as a necessary component of that work, pieces with objectionable content will need to justify that content with quality. Audeamus reserves the right to exclude submissions that are deemed inappropriate by a minimum of fifty percent of the Audeamus editorial board and/or does not follow the guidelines as outlined above.

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