Audeamus Design Theme 2023-2024
The design theme* for the 17th edition is HIVE.
*Every year, the Audeamus board chooses a design theme for the journal. While the theme this year touches upon the types of submissions we would like to receive, it is not meant to restrict submissions to those items strictly defined by the customary definition; rather, it is meant to act as a loose term open to a literal universe of interpretations.

Audeamus Design Theme 2022-2023
The design theme* for the 16th edition is WONDER.

Audeamus Design Theme 2021-2022
The design theme* for the 15th edition is BLOOM.

Audeamus Design Theme 2019 - 2020
The design theme for the 14th edition is REFLECTION.

AUDEAMUS Design Theme 2018 - 2019
The design theme for the 13th edition is RISE.